Fayette County Stocking: July 14, 2018
It's time for the annual Fayette County stocking! Join us as we stock fingerling brown trout by hand in one of the great streams in the...

Paint Creek Stocking: June 23, 2018
This is a fingerling brown trout stocking on the catch and release section of Paint Creek. Fingerling brown trout will be stocked by...

Elk River Stocking: October 7, 2017
Join us on Saturday, October 7, 2017 for the Elk River stocking! Make plans to meet at 10:00 a.m. at the Elk Springs Resort & Fly Shop....

Fayette County Stocking: September 9, 2017
It's time for the annual Fayette County stocking! Join us as we stock fingerling brown trout by hand in one of the great streams in the...

Loop Creek Stocking: August 19, 2017
The Ernie Nester Chapter of Trout Unlimited has been busy this summer with trout stockings and member activities across West Virginia!...

Dunloup Creek Stocking & Picnic: August 5, 2017
As we reach the midpoint of summer and the peak of backyard barbecues and family gatherings, we hope you will make plans to join us in...