Native Brook Trout License Plate
A new wildlife license plate is now available to West Virginia motorists featuring a native brook trout. The plate is jointly offered by the Division of Natural Resources (DNR) and Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV).
"The wildlife plates are a wonderful opportunity for West Virginians to showcase their pride in our state's wildlife," said Scott Warner, DNR Wildlife Diversity Program assistant chief. "The artwork is truly amazing, and like the other wildlife plates, these two were done by the late Tom Allen, who worked as a DNR wildlife biologist for 33 years."

The license plate is more than just decorative. In 1996, West Virginia voters approved a constitutional amendment which earmarked a portion of the proceeds from the wildlife license plate sales to fund West Virginia's Wildlife Diversity Program.
The cost of each plate is $55 for the first year, with renewal costs for subsequent years at $45. Fifteen dollars of each purchase go toward the DNR Wildlife Diversity Program to help conserve the state's nongame animal species and rare plants, provide educational materials to schools and libraries, develop wildlife viewing areas, and support other programs designed to educate the public about the state's wildlife resources.
Customers may exchange their current license plates at any DMV regional office or by mail at the time of renewal. Additional information about the new wildlife plates is available by calling the DMV at 1-800-642-9066 or by visiting the DMV web site at www.dmv.wv.gov and clicking the special plate's link.
Click here to download the application for this special license plate.