Dunloup Creek Stocking & Picnic: August 5, 2017
As we reach the midpoint of summer and the peak of backyard barbecues and family gatherings, we hope you will make plans to join us in Fayette County for the Dunloup Creek Stocking and Picnic on Saturday, August 5th!
This outing will provide an opportunity to stock brown trout fingerlings in Dunloup Creek and then a fun and enjoyable picnic afterward. Join us for the picnic even if you are unable to participate in the stocking.
Stocking Meeting Place: Meet in the parking lot of the National Park Headquarters in Glen Jean, WV. (Click here for a Google map.)
The Ernie Nester Chapter of Trout Unlimited will provide most of the items for the picnic, but guests are encouraged to bring a picnic fare side dish, chips, or cookies to share with everyone.
Picnic Meeting Place: We will gather around noon at the picnic shelter at Dun Glen on the New River near the mouth of Dunloup Creek. (Click here for Google map.)
If you plan to attend, please let Mike Sayre know at (304) 610-6235 or mike.sayre@hotmail.com to ensure that we have adequate food for everyone.
Bring a friend who may be interested in Trout Unlimited! This outing will be a great opportunity to meet people, for the family, and to make new friends!